The church is collecting food/snacks along with fun items like books and water pistol to ship
to the TROOPS as part of an Out Reach -Missions project.
TREATS FOR THE TROOPS(You do not need to get everything on the list!)
Slim Jims or Jerky, Vienna sausage or tuna
Can opener
Homemade cookies (NO CHOC CHIP, label what is in them)
(Store brand choc chip okay)
Microwave popcorn, crackers, pretzels
Gum, Lifesavers and mints, candy that is not gel or cholate based
Seasoning packets (soy, salsa, taco, etc)
Plastic jar or canned salsa, cheese and bean dip
Pringles or chips in a can
Plastic jar peanut butter, jelly too
Nuts any kind, small packages
Canned fruit small cans
Paperback books (used ok, comic books to novels)
Writing paper and envelopes
Greeting Cards & stamps (for all occasions to send home)
Frisbees, balls, and water pistols
Fancy soap & body wash
Hygiene wipes, panty liners
Anything with chocolate, caramel, fudge
Gel or aerosol
No POP TARTS they melt
Nothing fresh but cookies
No drink mixes